Saturday 7 May 2016

Movies: Captain America - Civil War (NON-SPOILER)

This is the third Captain America movie but also as part of the trilogy for Winter Soldier and The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, I would advise that you watch those two before watching Civil War to fully appreciate the emotion but you can just watch this movie on it's own accord. The Avengers have ruffled many feathers while protecting the world from greater dangers. The collateral damage from New York, Washington DC and Sokovia have forced the government to take action and want The Avengers to be held accountable for their actions, wanting the super team to work under the control of the government.
This splits the team right down the middle as they both have valid reasons why they're defending the decision taken. The beauty of the Russo brothers directing which continues from The Winter Solider, is this movie will make you choose a side before the movie starts and way past after the movie has ended, you will be wrestling mentally back and fourth with which side you actually agree with. This plays on your emotions way more than any of the previous Marvel movies. But with all that being said, this movie which should be all depressing and gloomy will have you laughing alot without.

The hand to hand combat from 70s style spy movie The Winter Solider was very grounded and realistic, but this movie with a bit of help from the directors of John Wick has amped the combat scenes to another level. This is an action thriller movie that further brings it home, that The Russo brothers have made Captain America into one of the coolest and slickest heroes in the comic book genre. It's no secret that this movie has a total of 12 superheroes but don't be fooled this is a Captain America movie. 
Falcon really comes into his own in this movie now having been in three previous movies, he's confident in himself being an Avenger and is Cap's ride or die partner in crime. Now with this movie re-introduces us to a fan favourite in Peter Parker/Spider-Man now played by the UK's very own Tom Holland. Andrew Garfield was a great Spider-Man, Holland does a sick job as a awkward, star struck, geeky teenager. The scenes with Spider-Man are priceless considering the deal between Marvel & Sony wasn't completed while this movie was being filmed, however his forthcoming movie titled Homecoming will be alot of fun.
Ladies and gentlemen this movie introduces us to your new favourite superhero. The new kid, my bad the new King on the block in the shape of T'Challa aka Black Panther. He's restless, cold blooded but in a good way, no jokes just all about his business. His reasons for being in this movie and his motivations fit so well. One of the best lines comes from a conversation between the King of Wakanda and Captain America. This guy is so badass that you'll want his solo movie tomorrow and not 2018. 
That airport scene is 17 minutes long and is easily the best action sequences you'll see in ANY superhero movie. I think I would add to that, it is one of the best action scenes I've ever seen. This is a superhero royal rumble with all the players involved getting their time to shine, and at no point do you feel tired or exhausted from this eventful moment. The bad guy isn't really needed in this movie which says alot about how great it is, he does play the part of a plot device. What he brings to the table will have a long lasting effect on The Avengers moving forward and sets up next Avengers chapters nicely. 

This is a civil war and delivers what it says on the tin, this movie pits two of Marvel's A+ characters against each other due to their beliefs on what they believe is morally right. You're emotionally drawn to the outcome of this movie as we've grown attached to these characters from the previous movies which has been growing since 2008. This is easily the movie of the summer and one of the best of 2016. Ranking this in all of Marvel movies this has to be in the top three, this movie is more grown up than those before it due to the stakes but still has the charm and appeal for the kids. 

When the dust has settled and the justified hype has simmered down, the Captain America series will be hailed as one of the best trilogies to hit the big screen. Not bad for a character who was seen as just a soldier. 

P.S. I just signed up to both subscriptions for Odeon and Cineworld unlimited cards just because of this movie.

Captain America: Civil War is out NOW.

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