Monday 11 April 2016

Movies: Suicide Squad - Blitz

From the same studio that gave us Batman vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice. I was going to write a review for that movie but it's having a hard time as it is already. So Suicide Squad looks like the summer blockbuster movie which will be fun, cool, entertaining and pack a good script, everything BvS was lacking. 

They're doing a very good job with marketing this movie to people who aren't exactly aware who the supervillians of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang (what a dumb name haha), Diablo, Enchantress, Katana and Slipknot. Smart choice of music for the trailers and the footage being used is raising the profile of this movie.

This trailer we get a bit more information on the actual story of the movie, which sees a team of highly dangerous criminals formed into a task force X, with the job of protecting the same people they usually prey on. It's clear DC have been paying attention to the good feedback from BvS's new Batman, as he is featured alot in this trailer.

Suicide Squad hits cinemas August 5th 2016.

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